The graphics were a huge leap from the already awesome looking PS2 and PSP incarnations in the series and I will never forget how Sony and Insomniac tried to push it as a Disney/*Pixar quality production. The game was the first game I had on the PS3 that lasted more than 5-7 hours so that was a huge plus and best of all there were no boring parts either. If it was then I am very interested in buying it now. Ok so this was my first ever Pre-Order and it must have been the only Pre-order i have done where I went for the standard version, I can’t remember if there even was a special edition or whatever for it. Ratchet & Clank – Tools Of Destruction PS3. The demo made me super pumped for the full game and it ended up as my first pre-order ever. I have no idea of how many were produced but I have not seen many out there for sale over the years. I was lucky, I got the demo before most other in Europe and to boot, i got one of the very few demos produced for the PS3 on Blu-Ray.

The reason I was desperate for it was because this demo was exclusive to America for months and it was on Disc only.

I have no idea of how many times I begged for him to send it but it did work out for me in the end. Ok so this is the game that turned me into a huge fan of the series, this demo was given to me by a close friend (Hello Adam B.) in America. Ratchet & Clank Tools Of Destruction Demo Disc: Here is my small collection of them, PS2, PSP and Vita discs are not pictured here as I somehow managed to forget taking pictures of them… Ratchet And Clank Tools Of Destruction teaser Demo Disc. Ratchet & Clank is known for many things but 2 of the most recognized ones are the weapons and the wacky names, every game has a very distinctive name and always leave you with some sort of “umm” feeling, Up Your Arsenal, Size Matters and Quest For Booty to name a few. Ratchet & Clank must be the largest series on PlayStation and while this is the first game for the PS4 I see no reason why there won’t be a gazillion more of them by the end of the PS4 era (2024?), so do you know how many games there are in the series and how many ports? I think it is 16 by now… to be honest, I have no idea but I am pretty sure I have all of them although not all format releases of them. This new game will be a PlayStation 4 exclusive and it is tied to the upcoming movie with the same name. Ok, I am not sure if you have seen it already but Sony and Insomniac announced a new Ratchet & Clank game earlier this year.